
Friday, 14 November 2014

BBFC Research

BBFC stands for British Board of Film Classification. And they decide what kind of films are what rating. The BBFC have man different ratings that they have decided are suitable for different audiences. These ratings are split up into: U, PG, 12a, 12, 15, 18

U is for anybody over the age of 4. This means that there should be nothing at all upsetting in the film to view. This means that there is no obscene language, any scenes of a sexual nature and no adult behaviour. Films such as cartoons and animations that are aimed at children.

PG stands for parental guidance which means anyone can watch it as long as you have the consent of the parents. These type of films again have no obscenity and nudity and no adult themes. This is because the films are often aimed at children. Again these type of films are like cartoons or films that are easy to follow.

12 or 12a are films that are suitable for 12 year olds and above or under 12's as long as you're there with an adult. These films are often aimed at children and young teens with no sexual or violent
scenes but maybe the odd swear word. These films are ones that are harder to follow but require a lot more imagination. This is why it's aimed at young teens.

15 rated films are suitable for people over the age of 15 and no one under that age can go. This is because they may contain obscene language or violent scenes. Sometimes they contain scenes of a sexual nature but not always. these are slowly venturing into your more graphical or horror films.

Finally films rated 18 are films that are only suitable for adults. This is usually because there are many adult themes involves, sexual scenes or very graphical violence. This is where your horror films usually are situated like saw that is horror and very gruesome.

I feel our film will be aimed at either 15's or 18's. This is because of all the blood and gore we would have within the film.

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