
Saturday, 25 April 2015

Evaluation Pt. 5

How did you attract/address your audience?
We attracted the audience by researching as much as possible into the film genre and sub genre to make it to what people enjoy seeing. I don’t really have much of an idea of how to attract an audience apart from the marketing however we did the best we could in the production aspect of it to make it as conventional and dynamic as possible. 

I figured that it would be very different if we was able to market the film also. We did the best we could with the production and thus we tried to reach the primary target audience through these elements of the film. We wanted the two minute film to be as action packed with zombies as possible, as simple as that is, this is what the target audience intends to enjoy on their weekends. We only planned to make it as action packed as possible in the film so that it would look overall quite well. As stated in the previous question we did all we could to attract our audience through the means of the short film that we created.

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