How did you attract/address your audience?
Through the research that we have conducted i can see that our target audience has been reached. I know this because of the fact that most of the people that filled in our survey were in the age range that we set as our target audience. This was between 15 and 25.
To ensure that the target audience was reached we added in several features that we felt would appeal to the audience. We stared the sequence with a scene where David doesn't know where he is or what has happened. This would be appealing to a young adult audience as they would possibly enjoy the fear of the unknown. Furthermore, later on in the sequence we added in an action scene. This is because younger people tend to like faster paced violent action scenes in their movies. This is how we made the audience be drawn in to the film and make them enjoy the film experience. From our audience feedback we can see that our efforts were clearly worth it as 90% of the people who participated in the survey said that they enjoyed the film. This clearly shows that our target audience appreciated the scenes we had put in just to appease to their preferences.
According to the rest of the audience feedback, our presentation of the genre of the film was clear as 100% said that they could see that the film was of the horror genre, so that was pleasing for us. Moreover, the majority of our audience feedback said that we had chosen the correct setting in using a hospital ward for the sequence. This is pleasing as we had taken influence of famous zombie movies and tv shows such as ’28 Days Later’ and ‘The Walking Dead’ so i am glad dot see that this paid off well. 70% of the people who filled in our survey also claimed that they could relate to the main character David. This is good because we wanted to create the type of character that an audience could relate to as this will make people more wanting to watch the full film.
We received some constructive criticism from our audience feedback saying that we could have utilise the zombies a bit more and possible had more zombies included in the sequence and if we were to make this film again then that is something that we would definitely work on. Another comment that we got was saying that the lighting in some of the shots could have been darker. This is understandable as we had the lights on throughout most of the shooting and should've considered this more. The final piece of criticism that we received was about our overuse of point of view shots. This is something that I have touched upon before and something that if we were to do the film again, we would sort out and add different shots in instead so that we aren't just using the same shot over and over again.
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