BBFC Classifications
What is BBFC used for?
BBFC is used for the guidelines of the audience that are going to watch the movie. This is to tell the audience whether it is appropriate for the younger audience. This tends to be because of the harsh language that is involved in scenes or sexual interactions which younger audiences might find disturbing. This also is involved for films like horrors, so for anything that psychologically doesn’t appeal to the younger audience then the BBFC rating will be raised. I am going to talk about each classification lightly and then explain which one our film should use.
Rating U
This symbol is for the rating of aged four or over. This however doesn’t inflict on what will be sensitive to the child, so this rating doesn’t have any specific meaning. Violence is rare, with light fight scenes, with a resolution at the end of it. No drugs, nudity or sex behaviour will be involved in films with a U rating.
This rating is not appropriate for our film, as we intend on having heavy violent scenes with possibilities of sexual behaviour, to follow the conventions of a relationship inside the horror genre that we’re working on.
Rating PG
This rating means parental guidance. This is intended for general viewing but some scenes may not be suitable for the younger audience, as parents should consider whether the child might get upset about the movie that they’re going to watch. This again has no specific guidelines but it does not include any drugs, nudity or sexual behaviour. This however will include romantic gestures like kissing, and light swearing with words such as ‘shit’, but it does not inflict on violent behaviour. This rating also has light violence included, however it talks about blood and gore being to a very light effect, not being very graphic.
This rating I find will not also be suitable for our film as the violent scenes intend on having very graphic blood and gore moments.
I think our film audience should be around the age that we intend it to be, being for the older teenagers to the young adults, I feel that a 15 rating is essential to allow both an example of who can watch this and to make sure that people under that age don’t see it.
Rating 15 and 15A
This rating seems to be beneficial in the way that it allows mature scenes. It allows sexual content and swearing, but it also allows blood and light gore. This is good for this film as it is going to be orientated around the curse words in which the characters will use to express frustration. This rating would be ideal for the audience as they know what they’re going to watch.
Our film will be rated a 15A.
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