How did you attract/address your audience?
Looking back at the film we made. Is it appropriate for the target audience we stated? Yes, I think it was. This is because there is blood and violence in the film but theres nothing that gruesome and we didn't show anything that could upset the viewers. Theres one part of the scene where the zombies flood into the room where the characters are in and then the characters kill the zombies but you don't actually see the zombie being killed, but you do see them dead or being pushed over. Also on the last shot the zombie was pushed over rather than killed. This is all done keeping our target audience in mind. So overall we used the research we did to really make it appropriate for the target audience.
Take a look at the audience feedback and you can see that our target audience was not gender specific so we were right to not choose this when targeting our audience. One thing that did surprise us is that there were people older than our target audience that enjoyed the film for what it was therefore that made us think of we should have had a wider age gap and targeted our film at more people so maybe that was a bad decision we made. But looking at it all, everyone enjoyed the film therefore targeting it like we did worked and appealed to the people we wanted it to appeal to. This meant that putting all that effort into making sure the shots we did collided with what the audience want to see was worth it and it proved really effective. One thing we did see when asking the audience what we could do to improve it was that they either said no there was nothing or make the zombie's and the setting look more like a horror film which wasn't really a problem as we knew this before, if we had only had a bigger budget, we could have done that.
There were many parts of the film that the audience thought were good and one of the main parts was the setting. The audience were very pleased with the hospital scene and they could tell that it was meant to be a hospital and most of them thought it was. They also could tell that our film was a zombie horror meaning that the general conventions for zombie horror were present in our film. So according the audience it was very successful. However they did pick up on the fact the mise en scene wasn't that strong compared to other zombie horrors but one thing they didn't understand is that we didn't have a budget for our film therefore couldn't often make the mise en scene that good.
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