
Friday 14 November 2014

Zombie Research Iconography



Visual and Lighting- Zombie films are often set in dark settings with low key lighting to unnerve the audience. The use of red is also very common in these types of films as red symbolises danger and death which is what zombie films mainly consist of. Darker colours also add to a sort of post apocalyptic scenario adding to the feeling of the movie. Another reason that these sorts of colours are used is that they add to the feeling of not knowing what is about to happen or what is around the corner, building on the suspense that is needed for a successful zombie film.

Props- Props are used a lot during zombie films as they add to the sense of violence and anarchy. Knives and guns are very commonly used in zombie films as they are needed in order to kill a zombie. Other weapons are also frequently used as usually when a zombie is attacking the character will just grab whatever is closest in an attempt to fight them off.

Make Up- This is an essential part of zombie iconography as this is what creates the impression of being dead. Fake blood and gore added to the face and body of the character make them look like a real zombie. If there was no make up then the story wouldn't be as believable. Make up will be used in our film to make it look more professional and realistic. We will apply the make up ourselves. The video below explains how to put on zombie make up.

Sound and Music- Sound is another key feature in zombie films as this is used to add a sense of tension to the movie. Slow, suspense building scenes are a must for all successful zombie films as they scare the audience and make them anxious to see what is about to happen. The music and sound in the following clip creates a lot of suspense and tension.

Other elements of Mise-en-scene- These are very important in zombie films as this determines how realistic your film will look. The costumes will complete the zombie figures. Just make up with perfect clothes will not make anyone look like a zombie, the clothes need to fit the part. Also, the sets need to look like they have been in the middle of a huge zombie apocalypse because if all of the walls, cars and building are spotless then it doesn't create a very good sense of danger. Zombie sets are usually dark and mysterious at times. Shopping malls and supermarkets are common sets to use in zombie films as that is where people go to hide. The camera angles and shots use are also a big part in portraying a zombie apocalypse.  If someone is walking around and everything is calm then slow shots tend to be used where there is limited angles within the scene. This is done to create a sense of tension. However, if people are being attacked then there are usually many fast shots used to create a sense of panic. The following clip from 'World War Z' starts off slow shots and then after the zombies being to attack fast shots are used throughout the during of the rest of the film.

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